PRINT EDITION Surprises in the Skies: Resolving the Circuit Split on How Courts Should Determine Whether an “Accident” is “Unexpected or Unusual” Under the Montreal Convention Abstract: Article 17 of both the Montreal Convention and its predecessor, the Warsaw Convention, imposes…Ashley Tang | 98 Wash. L. Rev. 1449 (2023)December 1, 2023
PRINT EDITION One Crisis or Two Problems? Disentangling Rural Access to Justice and the Rural Attorney Shortage Abstract: We have all seen the headlines: No Lawyer for Miles or Legal Deserts Threaten…Daria F. Page & Brian R. Farrell | 98 Wash. L. Rev. 849 (2023)October 1, 2023
PRINT EDITION The Five Internet Rights Abstract: Since the dawn of the commercial internet, content moderation has operated under an implicit…Nicholas J. Nugent | 98 Wash. L. Rev. 527 (2023)June 1, 2023
PRINT EDITION No Sense of Decency Abstract: For nearly seventy years, the Court has assessed Eighth Amendment claims by evaluating “the…Kathryn E. Miller | 98 Wash. L. Rev. 115 (2023)March 1, 2023