PRINT EDITION After The Criminal Justice System Abstract: Since the 1960s, the “criminal justice system” has operated as the common label for…Benjamin Levin | 98 Wash. L. Rev. 899 (2023)October 1, 2023
PRINT EDITION One Crisis or Two Problems? Disentangling Rural Access to Justice and the Rural Attorney Shortage Abstract: We have all seen the headlines: No Lawyer for Miles or Legal Deserts Threaten…Daria F. Page & Brian R. Farrell | 98 Wash. L. Rev. 849 (2023)October 1, 2023
PRINT EDITION Taking the Long Road: The Excessive Fines Clause as a Tool for Protecting Washington’s Unsheltered Population Abstract: Over the last decade, Washington State has seen a substantial increase in its unhoused…Anna Ferron | 98 Wash. L. Rev. 1007 (2023)October 1, 2023
PRINT EDITION Reifying Injustice: Using Culturally Specific Tattoos as a Marker of Gang Membership Abstract: The “gang” label has been so highly racialized that white people who self- identify…Beth Caldwell | 98 Wash. L. Rev. 787 (2023)October 1, 2023
PRINT EDITION Reasonable in Time, Unreasonable in Scope: Maximizing Fourth Amendment Protections Under Rodriguez v. United States Abstract: In Rodriguez v. United States, the Supreme Court held that a law enforcement officer…Thomas Heiden | 98 Wash. L. Rev. 1037 (2023) October 1, 2023
PRINT EDITION A Democratic Perspective on Tax Law Abstract: As democracies around the world have faltered, legal scholars in fields as diverse as…Clint Wallace | 98 Wash. L. Rev. 947 (2023)October 1, 2023
PRINT EDITION Marital Disharmony: Examining the Adverse Spousal Testimonial Privilege and Its Impact in Washington State Abstract: In Washington State, RCW 5.60.060(1) provides that “ spouse or domestic partner shall not…Sabrina Suen | 98 Wash. L. Rev. 733 (2023)June 1, 2023
PRINT EDITION In the Room Where It Happens: How Federal Appropriations Law Can Enforce Tribal Consultation Policies and Protect Native Subsistence Rights in Alaska Abstract: Federal-tribal consultation is one of the only mechanisms available to American Indian and Alaska…Kieran O'Neil | 98 Wash. L. Rev. 659 (2023)June 1, 2023
PRINT EDITION Creating and Maintaining Consistent Standards Regarding the Role of Parental Substance Abuse at Shelter Care Hearings in Washington State Abstract: When Child Protective Services (CPS) removes children from their home in Washington State, the…Emma VanderWeyst | 98 Wash. L. Rev. 763 (2023)June 1, 2023
PRINT EDITION Per Curiam Signals in the Supreme Court’s Shadow Docket Abstract: Lower courts and litigants depend a great deal on the Supreme Court to articulate…Zina Makar | 98 Wash. L. Rev. 427 (2023)June 1, 2023